Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Feast!

When was the last time you received a surprise in the mail, and what was it?

Hmmmmm...... it was probably the pinball machine I won last summer. Well, actually, I won the game last winter, but they didn't ship it until the summer. Of course, I didn't even know I'd won until I got notice of a package that was going to be delivered that I had to be home to sign for. The pinball machine is currently living in my living room, which is NOT where I'd like to have a pinball machine, but it's the only place it'll fit! I seriously need to reorganize my house!

If you could have a summer and/or winter home, where would you want it to be?

I'd love to have a winter home on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica! We were there in February of 2000 and absolutely fell in love with the area! So nice, pretty and peaceful!

Pick one: pineapple, orange, banana, apple, cherry.

Cherry. Definitely.

Main CourseDescribe the nicest piece of clothing that you own.

Uhhhhh...... uhhhhhh..... I have no idea. My wedding dress? A gown I wore to a friend's wedding? I have a few very nice suits from my former life as an attorney, but they're out of style now and don't fit me so well anymore.

If you could forget one whole day from your life, which day would you choose to wipe from your memory?

Since I can't think of anything, I have a feeling I've ALREADY forgotten it!

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